There You Are(film) Synopsis
After the death of her mom several years ago, Su feels estranged from her father. In honoring their traditional family camping trip on his birthday, she hopes to reconnect with him. But when her father cancels it in deference to his new girlfriend, Su is forced to deal with her unresolved grief.

Director: Rui Huang
Writer: Rui Huang, Rong Deng
3D designer (design, modeling, texturing, lighting, rendering, compositing): Rui Huang
Animators: Qijia Feng, Rui Huang
Composer: Min He
Sound and mixer: Jiaqing Gu
Voice Actors: Nia Baker, Joshua Glassburn
VFX artist: Yimin Zhang
Additional props modeler: Joseph Jacobs, Clara Chou
Faculty Advisors: Michael Patterson, Kathy Smith
Festivals & Distribution: Sandrine Faucher Cassidy
Award & Screenings
Los Angeles Film Awards: Best animation & Best picture
Long Beach International Film Festival: Best short
Los Angeles Independent Film Festival Awards: Best Animation Short
AEAF 2021: Student Gold
Anim8 Student film: Award of excellence
Flanimation film fest: Best student film
Accolade Global Film Competition: Award of Excellence: Animation (Student)
Seoul International Cartoon & Animation Festival (SICAF): finalist
Venice Shorts: Semi-Finalist
Dumbofilmfestival: Semi-Finalist
Maui Film Festival: Finalist
Miami short Fiilm Festival: nominated for best animation film
Charlotte Film Festival: Honorable Mention
Official Selection:
Holly Shorts Film Festival
Chicago International Children's Film Festival
Austin Film Festival
Spark Animation 2021
Imagine This Women's Film Festival
Santa Monica International Film Festival
FLICKFAIR Film Festival
Woodstock Film Festival
San Jose International Short Film Festival
Sedona International Film Festival
First Glance Film Festival Philadelphia
California International Shorts Festival
Los Angeles Lift-Off Film Festival
Sulmona international film festival
Newport Beach Film Festival
Cinekid screening club
overcome film festival